Comments Policy

I owe a lot to my beloved commentators, readers and subscribers. That is why we became Do Follow. I enjoy interacting with all you guys. I know you guys comment in a good manner, but this Comment Policy is for certain people and newbies a.k.a. first-time visitors to So from now onwards this blog has a Formal Comment Policy, which I hope everyone will follow. Brand your comments, and drive traffic.

If you follow this simple policy, oops, guidelines you can become a hero in blog commenting, no lies. Because almost every standard blog will follow this. reserves the right to make changes in the policy of this blog anytime and without prior notice.

Moderating Comments:

This applies only for first-time commentators. In order to make a good comment page, all comments, trackbacks and pingbacks made here will be moderated. I will review the comments as soon as possible and mostly I’ll reply to every comment made. Don’t resubmit your comment if it is not appearing right away, maybe it is under moderation.

Adieu Spammers and Advertisers:

This blog is protected by Akismet which catches a majority of automated spam comments. If by any case, those spam comment slips through the filters, I will delete them immediately. Using Advertising Keywords in Name field of comment form is prohibited. Those comments will be deleted.

Language and Racism:

Avoid harsh language and racist comments. Do this because you love your blog. Using such language and comments will kill the respect of your blog and so on. If you don’t own a blog also, don’t use it, because your comments may cause damage to this blog and your comment will be hated and ignored by this. If you want to deal with any misconceptions in any topic, please feel free to Contact Me.

Linking To Your Blog And Others:

I don’t mind using links in a comment if it is relevant to the topic and comments. Irrelevant and/or excessive are not encouraged, so they are removed without prior notice and they may also be marked as spam. I request you not to use this as an opportunity to promote or advertise anything.

Tips For Linking Properly:

  • Use proper XHTML Markup : Comment Policy
  • Use descriptive anchor text: Kona Srinivas from
  • Don’t use anchor text like ‘Click Here’. They will be removed.
  • Keep the anchor text short and sweet. Less than 4 words.

Signature In Comments:

I don’t discourage or encourage leaving signatures in comments. That is completely optional and I allow signatures in comments. I will not delete the comments with signatures as long as the comments are relevant and added something to the conversation.

For example, if you comment like ‘Nice’, ‘Good’, ‘Ok’, and leave a signature means. Poof! Kiss them goodbye. Those comments will be deleted.

Subscribing To Comments Via E-mail:

Please use a valid and own email address in order to receive the notification of comments left after yours. If you wish to unsubscribe the notification of comments you can do it anytime by visiting the comment subscription manager. If you want to sign up for comments, leave a tick mark near to the ‘Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail before submitting your comment.

Comments May Be Edited:

I have some reasonable rights for editing or deleting comments whenever I feel it is necessary. Don’t worry. This applies only if you left blatant spelling and grammatical errors. This might kill your previous comment. But remember, I won’t cause any damage to the meaning of your comment.

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